


"Paranormal Expert say that,if you saw someone unfamiliar in dream,It is actually the GHOST watching while you sleep."

  •  Have you ever seen or met a ghost when you’re fast asleep, that is, in a dream? If you haven’t had a ghost dream so far, there’s every likelihood you may experience one in the future. That’s because dreams that involve contact with a ghost or spirit, generally known as “visitation dreams,” are quite common. What does it mean if you see a ghost in a dream? Is it just a trick of the mind or is there something more to being visited by a ghost in your dream? There are many explanations and many possibilities, some of them scientific, some of them spooky, some of them historical, some of them traditional, some of them supernatural and so on, each one of them equally intriguing.
  • Dreams are in fact considered one of the most effective ways for the spirit realm to connect to the living. According to American writer and artist Nina Kahn, “perhaps dreams allow a little opening in our consciousness for the mystical realm to slip through—offering us a time to experience enhanced clairvoyance, divine inspiration, and even messages from the dead. Scientists truthfully know so little about dreams or why everyone has them, so, creepy as it may be, it’s worth it to open your mind to the possibility that maybe spirits can visit people in dreams to deliver messages, warnings, and beyond.” Anne Reith, PhD and founder of The Institute for Mediumship, Psychic, Astrological, and Reiki Training explains that it is actually easier for spiritual entities of all kinds e.g., deceased loved ones, guides, angels to communicate with us while we are sleeping, partly because you’re more likely to be receptive to it in a dream than you would be in a waking state.
  • But how do you know it’s actually a spirit trying to communicate with you through a dream or its just a dream created by our subconscious, maybe after we’ve heard or read or seen some ghostly reference? “Visitation dreams are typically clear, vivid, intense and are experienced as real visits when the dreamer awakens. The dreamer is always changed by the experience,” explained Patrick McNamara, PhD, an associate professor at Boston University School of Medicine. 


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