Frozen Body (Cryogenically frozen)

Frozen Body (Cryogenically frozen)

there are currently 100 of deceased people in the u.s, including baseball legend,, ted williams, whose bodies are frozen in liquid nitrogen in hope that future technology will be revive them

Cryogenically frozen

  • Cryonics (from Greek: κρύος kryos meaning 'cold') is the low-temperature freezing (usually at −196 °C or −320.8 °F or 77.1 K) and storage of a human corpse or severed head, with the speculative hope that resurrection may be possible in the future.Cryonics is regarded with skepticism within the mainstream scientific community. It is generally viewed as a pseudoscience,and its practice has been characterized as quackery.

  • Cryonics procedures can begin only after clinical death, and cryonics "patients" are legally dead. Cryonics procedures may begin within minutes of death, and use cryoprotectants to prevent ice formation during cryopreservation. It is, however, not possible for a corpse to be reanimated after undergoing vitrification, as this causes damage to the brain including its neural networks.The first corpse to be frozen was that of Dr. James Bedford in 1967. As of 2014, about 250 dead bodies had been cryopreserved in the United States, and 1,500 people had made arrangements for cryopreservation of their corpses. 


  • In this image consider a process how to body are remove a blood and inject a chemical and put in liquid nitrogen.

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